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juno and the paycock

Exploration of language in Juno and the Paycock Most of Juno and the paycocks realism comes from its accuracy of speech. Its Dublin intentions unerringly gain a reality of setting and of character. Even features that have an expressly dramatic purpose, like repetition, rhetoric, lyrical or biblical passages, fall easily on the ear in natural spoken rhythms. Language plays a big part in this play in the quick changes of pace mood characterisation of the play and strengthens both its comedy and its tragedy.*Simple funny mispronunciations by Captain Jack Boyle bring comedy to the play.*Maisie Madigan uses casual lyricism's.*Mrs Tancred’s bitter balanced elegy for her son, all against a general background of quick-witted, idiomatic repartee, full of imagery and fantasy.*The characters manipulate their own speech for effect; Captain Boyle ‘s call for his drink, ‘a wet-a jar-a boul!’*Boyle himself explains that he knows the correct form, but the wrong one sounds better in his story. -’It blowed an it blowed-blew is the right word ’Joxer but blowed is what the sailors use.This conscious choice of words is evident in the use of catchphrases like Joxer’s ‘a darlin’ buk, a daarlin’ buk’ this is like his personal ‘signature tune’, or slogan.*Joxer has his phrases but Boyles individual flavour comes from his mispronunciations caused by his failure to grasp words properly, like ‘Chassis’ ,’dockyments’, or ‘pereeogative’.*Practically ever speech in this play contains examples of Dublin dialect mispronunciation. Typical samples include vowel sounds distorted and spelt phonetically: -wan, wance, at wanst (one, once, at once)-yis (yes)-at our ayse, ayther, tay (at our ease, either, tea)-me, be, meself (may, by,myself)-kem, ketch (come, catch)-oul’, houl’ (old, hold )-swally, folley (swallow, follow)*Consonants are thickened-mis...

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