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With the Roman Catholic Church was on a mission to eliminate the Protestant movement that was spreading through out Europe and many nations started to establish their dominance of wealth and power. Still the many great minds of the time didnt stop from changing the face of Europe and impacted the face of politics, religion, architecture, and the arts. Five major countries France, England, Austria, Prussia, And Russia dominated the new face of politics in Europe. These were the five great military states of the time. The emergence of these states was due to the idea of power. The rulers these countries were fascinated with having all the state affairs go threw him. Louis the XIV was probably the most noted for this indulgence. In 1715 the five states were in a balance of power this accord lasted all the way till 1945 at the end of World War 2. World war was a term coined during the baroque era. This absolutist changed the way their country was run. The first thing they did was separate the churches form the state as a way of controlling more power. They next implemented many new institutions and reformed old ones. Positions once occupied by great lords were now occupied by college educated middle class men. This is when the feudal nobility began to parish. The absolutist also started national embassies where highly trusted officials looked after foreign policy to try to keep the other greater countries in check. The military was now funded by government revenue. The state of military action was also improved upon. A better breed of horses and the bayonet made the armies more efficient. The business was also changed. Mercantilism was implemented. The mission of the Roman Catholic Church to eliminate the Protestant reformation started by Luther dominated the religious scene during the baroque era. The thirty years war, which actually consisted of four separate wars, dominated the first part of the seventeenth century...

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