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Two Gentleman of Verona

Two Gentlemen of Verona, directed by Mr. Wolfe, depicted an excellent plotthrough strong acting and characterization. In addition it possessed humor that perfectlyaffixed into the era of the sixties. The play was transformed from it’s original time era andplaced in the sixties. The main plot outline surrounds two gentleman from Verona whowere best friends. These two best friends named Valentine and Proteus were played byGeoffrey Kidwell, and Noah Silverman. The story really begins when Valentine leavesVerona. He is then banished from the next city he enters, Milan. During his time spent inMilan Valentine falls in love with a young women, Sylvia, played by Katie Moran.However he is torn away from her when he is banished. Then Proteus, his best friend,betrays him. Proteus persues Sylvia, although he already has a fiance, Julia, played byStephanie Nealy. Proteus experiences true loneliness when he is rejected by Sylvia anddumped by fiance. Julia rides off with Speed, a servant/messenger of Valentine, played byRonald Del Castillo. Thus the moral and theme of the story surrounds the idea offriendship and betrayal.Ronald Del Castillo, Speed, had very good vocal choices. He played amessenger/servant who was always on the run. Speed used a bicycle or rolerblades, togive the effect of constant movement. Thus, he rapidly talked like he acted, todemonstrate his sense of chaos and lack of control. His physical and vocal choices showedhe was a messenger or servant and was always on the move needing to be somewhere. Hischoices definitely were very effective. The next character had some opposite and alikecharacteristics but also effectively fulfilled his character. Thomas Odell, who playedLaunce, was Proteus’s servant. His character was somewhat quaint, but was very funny.He had a lot of curved physical choices, like his walk. He always had a sense ofbewilderment on his face. He was always walking around, almost as if he was lost, andtan...

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