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Sophocles vs Euripides

JimenezDrama 235WOctober 16, 2001Sophocles vs. EuripidesSophocles and Euripides versions of Electra carry, among many similarities, a central theme of revenge. The characters, Electra and Orestes, must reunite to avenge their fathers murder. Misfortunately, in both versions the just solution leads the siblings to destroying their own mother. Both versions of Electra can be compared to Aeschylus Libation Bearers. However, they are both more dramatic, and more similar to each other than if each Electra was individually compared to the play by Aeschylus. The biggest differences between the two versions of Electra, are found within the characters and their development. I also believe that, the differences we see in these characters personalities between the two plays , contribute to some of the two authors variations in the story line. Although Sophocles and Euripides both give Electra and Orestes more character, they use different techniques to cause this effect. We can especially notice a character difference in Electra. In the Libation Bearers, she does not have much personality, or nearly as much involvement in the revenge plans; now she is the main character. Sophocles seems to use the people around Electra to cause reactions from her, and in turn show the reader her individualism. I believe this is the purpose of introducing Chrysothemis as a character, even though she does not exist in Euripides version or in the Libation Bearers. Chrysothemis causes conversations between her and Electra that give the audience a convincing sample of Electras notability. For instance, one can see this when Electra is praying at Agamemnons grave and Chrysothemis comes to pour libations sent by Clytamnestra. Electra convinces her sister to ignore their mothers request and to agree that they should avenge Agamemnon's murder (Sophocles, 346). This persuasive speech shows thought, and gives Electra deeper character than that seen in L...

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