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The Monster’s Human Nature In the Christian religion, I was taught that if a man who has never heard or learned of God commits a sin, this man goes to hell. Who was there to tell this man that what he did was a sin and he is going to hell to pay for this? Because the Bible says God created us with the ability to reason, this man has to figure ut right and wrong on his own. As does the “monster” in Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. When victor created his marvelous person, he ran at the sight of his creation. This was a breakthrough in science and history. Victor could have made himself the most famous person in history and science if he would have taught and educated the “monster” like a normal human being. He was a scientist. Surely the tissue and organs are much more ugly than seeing his creation alive. Why did Victor run is the question. Victor literally ran from a baby in a man’s body, and left him to fend for himself. The “monster” had to learn everything a normal person learns from their parent on his own. Consequently, the “monster” made some wrong decisions along his way. He tried to do good, but one look at his face and nothing mattered to anyone but to run for his/her life. Because Victor made him so ugly, nobody gave him a chance to be friendly or normal. If Victor had taught people to accept the “monster” for what he is to science and mankind, everything would have turned out good. Victor would have been named the creator of life and the “monster” would not have done the wrong things he did.Hollywood has the same view as Victor did towards his creation. Almost all movies done about Frankenstein’s “monster” portray him as a monster who will murder you with the swipe of a fist. That’s what most peopl...

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