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Lebensraum was one of the most interesting and the most bizarre plays I have ever seen. The plot of the play Lebensraum was very strange, the play was set in present time. The play was about Germans saying the Jews can come back to Germany. The Germans will provide them with work and a place to live. A lot of the Jews thought that the Germans were going to finish what they started with Hitler. At first no one wanted to take Germany up on their offer, until one Jewish family made up there mind and decided to go back, after they knew the Linskys were making out good. The Linskys were a hit over in Germany, they have a lot friends and they found out that Michael Linsky got a good job at the docks. A month or two later, a lot of Jews started to return to Germany. There was one big problem that was facing Germany, a lot of Jews were coming over and there was not enough room for all of them. So, after awhile Germany started getting packed with a lot of new Jews and the German's had promised the Jewish people that they would all have jobs when they got here, this caused a problem. A lot of the Germans became upset with the new Jewish settlers cause they were getting fired from there jobs allowing the Jews to take them. This made everyone in Germany restless. After half of a year of working on the docks Michael was promoted to the dock supervisor. When he was promoted someone had to be demoted which made Zev Golem a little mad. So, Zev Golem the former supervisor got all the Germans that worked on the docks to strike. Zev who was carrying a gun as he was picketing in front of the docks, fired a round. The German police shot him dead.After this the Jewish citizens of Germany realize that they really werent wanted in Germany after all so, they start the move out of Germany and move back to America.I thought this play was very tacky in a sense. There were only three actors in the play. Seth Reichgott one the actors played 13 dif...

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