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Forever Plaid

If you want to relive the 50s, Forever Plaid is the play to see. It is a hilarious musical that rocks and rolls its way through the "magical era" of the 50s. Written by Stuart Ross, music by James Raitt, and directed by Daniel Siford, Forever Plaid is the story of four high school friends who are starting a four-part harmony group named Forever Plaid. They then "miss" their first performance because of a car crash while on route to pick up plaid tuxedos for their show. Daniel Siford, Joe Pedulla, Billy Sharpe, and Allie Laurie bring this story of the death of the group Forever Plaid to life. This fun and funny musical plays its way through all the hubbub and hilarity of the 50s, including a spoof on the Ed Sullivan show, and sings its way through some of the greatest hits like "Shangri-La" and "No, Not Much. Forever Plaid uses tongue-in-cheek symbolism behind the quartet's untimely end. Popular music was about to blossom in radical new directions, leaving clean-cut harmonizers like the Four Lads and Four Aces in the dust. It begins with the bow-tied boys in white dinner jackets wandering through the audience, candles in hand and chanting a shaky "sha-boom" or two. They are shaken and confused by what the fates have done to them, nervously eyeing the audience as they stumble about trying to synchronize their clumsy choreography and uncertain four-part harmonies. The out-of-fashion and fictitious Plaids, lovable losers who met in their high school audio-visual club, may have been killed instantly -- a taped voice-over tells the tale as the room darkens -- but a mystical and mysterious time warp hauls them back to earth. Their quest is to perform the perfect show that always eluded the reach of their dubious talents. If they complete their mission, the men in plaid can return in peace to their place in the cosmos. But it won't come easy. Each questionably talented Plaid has a flaw, be it jittery nerves, indigestion, a sligh...

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