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(Nasdaq:STAD) is the commerce connection for millions of college students and the businesses and universities that serve them, and provides each with a valuable range of products and services. Student Advantage reaches students online and offline through its award-winning Web site,, and Student Advantage Membership Program, provides sophisticated business-to-business marketing and events and promotion services, and supplies information services, Internet content and data management services to colleges and universities. Student Advantage has proprietary commerce relationships with nearly 50 national retailers and businesses, including AT&T, Amtrak, Staples, and Tower Records, and approximately 15,000 local participating locations in 125 cities throughout the country. The Student Advantage The Student Advantage Network is the most comprehensive online resource of proprietary information, services and commerce relationships developed exclusively for students. The network features student-created content covering a vast array of topics such as careers, education, entertainment, lifestyles, news, relationships, sports and travel. Additionally, the hub site, offers members the opportunity to shop online for exclusive discounts. Student Advantage's U-WIRE Student Advantage's U-WIRE holds the online syndication rights for more than 500 of the nation's top college newspapers and distributes student-produced content to U-WIRE members, professional media outlets and syndicate partners such as Yahoo!, Excite, and Lexis-Nexis. Student Advantage's FANSonly Network Student Advantage's FANSonly Network is the most popular college sports destination on the Internet. The FANSonly Network provides online brand management and content delivery to more than 65 university athletic departments in the country, through the publishing of Official Athletic Sites...

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