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power electronics

Power Electronics Power electronics refers to control and conversion of electrical power by power semiconductor devices wherein these devices operate as switches. Advent of silicon-controlled rectifiers, abbreviated as SCRs, led to the development of a new area of application called the power electronics. Prior to the introduction of SCRs, mercury-arc rectifiers were used for controlling electrical power, but such rectifier circuits were part of industrial electronics and the scope for applications of mercury-arc rectifiers was limited. Once the SCRs were available, the application area spread to many fields such as drives, power supplies, aviation What is power electronics? Power electronics is the application of electronic circuits to energy conversion. You may have more interaction with power electronics than you think. If you drive a car, use a computer, cook with a microwave, talk on any type of telephone, listen to a stereo, or make holes with a cordless drill, then you come in contact with power electronics. Thanks to power electronics, the electricity needed to run the things you use everyday is processed, filtered, and delivered with maximum efficiency, smallest size and minimal weight. In formal terms, "This technology encompasses the use of electronic components, the application of circuit theory and design techniques, and the development of analytical tools toward efficient electronic conversion, control, and conditioning of electric power." The main areas of power electronics research include:•Electronic devices (like diodes and transistors) •Control and regulation •Power converter circuit design and work with various topologies for converter circuits •Magnetic components (such as transformers and inductors) •Electronic circuit packaging and manufacturing •Control of electrical motors MAIN TASK OF POWER ELECTRONICS Power electronics has applic...

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