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Neurophone The Nuerophone, was invented by Dr. Patrick Flanagan. The Neurophone is a device, which extends the range of normal hearing. This has applications in faster learning, and can make “hearing” people sound better. The Neurophone will be useful, when developing computer speech recognition. This device may be able to help people in other hearing situations The techniques I used for this search included a one-word search engine. I did this by using the one word search engine on Yahoo!. This then lead me to many articles on the web, about the Neurophone, known as a Hit List. I then scrolled through the different articles, learning about the subject I looked up, the Neurophone. I learned many things when doing this assignment. There are so many subjects that will come up pertaining to your topic you are searching for, because it is included in the article somewhere. You can get a general idea on what is in the article, by the subject of the article. I learned that it is better to narrow your search down. ...

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