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how to build a webpage

Motivator sentence: The development and design of a basic web page can be a fun yet Thesis sentence: Whether its a large commercial web-site for business purposes, or asmall personal web page about your hobby or family; the process of development is thesame. Blueprint sentence: The three major steps leading to the development and design of abasic web page include: information gathering, site layout and design and HTML (hypertext markup language) conversion. I.Topic sentence: (use transition) Naturally, the most important task is the gathering ofinformation.A. You first need to brain-storm about what you would like for The web page to consist of.B. Collect everything that you will become part of the web page, from editorials and graphics to company information and history. C. It may be a good ideal to get your hand on as much data as possible, then decide what is to be used in the web page. What material is not used may be discarded later. D. All information previously gathered is categorized in a hierarchy form from the most important to the least important. II. Topic sentence: Then, you are to develop the layout of the web page.A. Simple drawn sketches are to be hand drawn to display the basic look and feel of the web page.B. The use of a specific theme or template should be used to maintain the same basic look throughout the web site. C. Keep the reader of the web site in mind when designing the web site. D. Most readers will not usually wait on large graphic files to load; especially on the start page. E. Readers also dislike small and hard to read text. Remember that some older monitors and systems may not be able to view higher resolutions; furthermore, some web browsers may be unable to view certain types of newer text. III. Topic sent...

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