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*He was the son of a prominent politician, his father *His full name was Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. *He was a consulAfter the death of Julius Cesar he had become a master at calvary*There were many powerful men and Lepdius was wanted to be the highpriest or the PONTIFEX MAXIMVS 179bc. *He joined the Caesaria side of the civil war in 49-45.. *He raised an army on North Italy *Pompey and Catulus beat him and Lepdius fled out of Italy.Crassus* Crasssus the wealthiest man in the nation of that time. Full name is Marcus licinius Crassus.. *He tried to gain some of his wealth from choosing a province of Syria in 54 but he was defeated the Pathians at Carrhae in 53. *He bought silver mines and he purchased confused states.*Crassus was one of Sullas lieutenants. *He was praetor in 71bc and defeated the slave revolt of Spartacus. *He later became a consul like Pompey together they were called but unofficially called so the first triumvirate...

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