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electronic supervision

Nowadays, there is no more need to speak with a low voice when doing a private call in order to avoid your colleagues from hearing what you say, as anyway, your telephone conversation could be recorded. It is really easy, as well, for a company to be able to see where you are in the company and when, using electronic bagging systems each time you enter an office or a new part of the building or even simpler, using video recordings. Your computer files are never 100% safe if they are saved on a server. Your emails and internet access can be checked anytime, without any problem. All those new supervising tools have a name : Electronic Supervision. But how far can they go without interfering with employees’ private life ?In general, companies that engage in any electronic supervision do so for such reasons as :a.Legal complianceIn regulated industries, taping telemarketing activities gives both the company and the consumer some degree of legal protection. Also, electronic recording and storage may be considered part of a company’s “due diligence” in keeping adequate records and files.b.Legal LiabilityEmployees who are unwittingly exposed to offensive graphic material on colleagues’ computer screens may charge a hostile workplace environmentc.Performance ReviewCustomer service and consumer relations personnel are frequently taped as they field calls, and tapes are reviewed with supervisors to evaluate and improve job performance.d.Productivity MeasuresNet-Surfing, personal use of office email, and/or dialing up private numbers expend time and assets on non-business related activities.e.Security ConcernsProtecting the value of proprietary corporate information is a primary concern in an age when email and internet connections continue to expand.Telecommunications supervision With more than 10 billion emails sent every day throughout the world, emails use became common practice. But if this way of communicatin...

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