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digital s

Attached is a report on converting our studio from analog video to digital. This process mayseem like a process we dont need here at Hocking College but is a necessary step. We here atHocking are behind in technology. We need brought into the 21st century in a big way. We rightnow are behind in our studies and desperately need to update. We are teaching our students on oldequipment and this isnt good for job placement. There should be enough information in this report to make an impact on your decision. Also inthis report I have given you some options for the actions you should take to push this processalong a little faster. I would also like to take this time to thank you for taking time out of yourbusy schedule to read this report. The research I have done will be very beneficial for thisprogram and this college. If you have any questions about this report or would like to discuss this any further, please feelfree to call me at (740)-753-6666.i.SUMMARYIn this world technology is moving at the speed of light. Hocking College is very far behind inthis process. Todays world is in the digital era. Hocking College is still in the dinosaur world. While searching though for this equipment I have found many different new variations of thisequipment. There are a lot of interesting facts like Digital-S video is the highest quality of videooffered. Digital-S is the cheapest and most user-friendly editing suite out at this time. Digital-Sallows you to perform many different processes at once. You can perform high-quality layerswith out it ruining the original copy. This means that you can dub from tape to tape with outlosing and generations. Also it is used by in the work force by all the leading television companies. It is used by ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX Network affiliates, Fox News, Fox Sports, and even thenations first licensed all digital television station. Hocking College needs to move ahead in technology and this equipment ...

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