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This paper was written to show the reader with information on how cloning a It may be too soon right now to clone a human, but in the nearfuture scientists will be capable of cloning a human successfully. The rapid development of the technology for cloning has led to moral debatesaround the world on whether or not to ban cloning humans. With the advancement ofclone technology two states, California and Michigan, have already banned the cloning ofhumans. "Everybody who thought it would proceed slowly and could be stopped waswrong," said Lee Silver, a professor from the University of Princeton. Without properresearch to support the ban, the premature ban should be reconsidered and appealed. Cloning could provide a way for infertile couples to produce children genetically similarto themselves, a method of creating spare organs for transplants, and a cure for geneticdisease. Human cloning may provide numerous benefits to mankind and should not bebanned. Some people say that it is morally wrong and others are scared that a leader, suchas Sadam Husian, will clone himself. Maybe he will create some mindless duriods orbring Hitler back from the dead and rule the world. They also think that some day we willbe able to go to the hospital and just pick up a baby one with the genetic material theylike the best. Then we will no longer need marriage and people will grow apart and livealone most of their life.Even though some people oppose the idea of cloning, most scientists and ethicistsagree that it is just a matter of time. Lee M. Silver, a biologist at Princeton Universityand author of Remaking Eden, predicts that the first cloned human will quietly make itsway into the population, sneaking in when no one is looking. For those who want toclone themselves or their children, Silver develops the following scenario: a dedicatedcareer woman named Jennifer decides at age thirty five that something is missing fromher life. That something is...

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