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Where Did the Love Go

The other day I was looking through a magazine that a friend let me borrow. The name of the magazine was Slam. It is a magazine all about basketball and the players in the NBA. I was halfway through the magazine when I saw an advertisement that caught my eye. It was a picture of a NBA star named Steve Francis. He is in his bedroom watching Sports Center, a television show on ESPN. The advertisement asks “What Sports Center do you watch”. Then it says, “Steve Francis watches the 6AM Sports Center.” The advertisement tries to use the stardom and popularity of Steve Francis to persuade viewers to watch Sports Center. It is another example of companies using sports figures to sell their products. The advertisement is a picture in his house which to say the least, is a little extravagant. I think it is too bad that little kids dream of making money through basketball instead of just playing the game they love.When looking at the picture of Steve Francis in his house, it is easy to see what is important to him. Everything is very glamorous and you can see the pool and golf course in his back yard through the window in his bedroom. The problem is that many adults and children look up to him because of his material possessions; instead of the way he plays basketball. The rage for the finest things has become so out of control; it has become habit for us to judge each other by the clothes we wear. Unfortunately we all have done this before, whether we admit it or not. It is also easy to see the need for things by the way we treat each other. I always hear stories about someone stealing from one of their peers. Not only do you hear about it, you get to see it up close when someone steals something from you. ...

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