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Voice Recognition Systems

“WHAT ARE VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEMS AND HOW ARE THEY USED?” About twenty years ago voice recognition systems were only see on the science fiction channel of the television and the viewer could only dream of the day when that technology would be possible. I know that when I was younger I would watch Star Trek and see Captain Kirk address the computer by talking to it, and not only did the computer understand his instructions, but it would flawlessly prefom the commands that were spoken. From the little that I knew before setting out on this project, I thought voice recognition systems were still primative, but I found that I was wrong. I have set out to discover the rapidly-changing world of voice recognition systems, and to ask the question, “What is vioce recognition systems and how is it currently used?”. For many years people have wanted another avenue besides the keyboard to preform data processing. One of the first of these items is the barcode reader which is stronghly in use today. This product revelutionized the data processing industry but has a great number of limitaitons. The wave of the future in data processing is what is known as Voice recognition encoding. Voice recognition encoding has benn around for several years but not until recentallly has it become a viable solution. The main problem with voice recognition systems is that the technology was not available at a reasonable price until recently. A company located in Boston MA nade Dragon systems has created a product caleed NaturallySpeaking which has captured the market and offers a cost effective voice recognition swystem. This product is currently on the market and offers the ability to replace the cumbersome task of keyboarding with direct imputting through human voice.Dragon SystemsThe unprecented leader in voice recognition technology is a company called Dragon Systems. Dragon Systems continues to pursue the natural speech rev...

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