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The Passion for Motion Simulation Rides

The Passion for Motion Simulation Rides Motion Simulation Rides are the closest types of rides that takes you to the real thing … but not quite; providing more enjoyment to people than some rollercoasters. Motion Simulation Rides have been fascinating people from the beginning, from ones that train you to fly an aviation device (a.k.a. : for air freighters or space shuttles) to ones that take you to your imagination and beyond. Rollercoasters have been doing the same thing … just earlier in time because motion simulation had yet to be invented. However, aside from my own experience from testing ride simulators and rollercoasters, I have found ride simulators to provide a more safer environment and to be more thrilling. Passionate riders like myself, prefer these types of rides to give them the thrills of rollercoasters, and at the same time never leave the ground.For centuries, people have been seeking thrills. As science and technology have increased, so has the state-of-the-art of thrill seeking. Rollercoasters debuted around the mid 1750’s when a Russian showman constructed wood-framed ice slides for sledding in St. Petersburg. This primitive ride, later became the inspiration for the creation and the construction of the rollercoaster (Thrill Ride – The Science Of Fun). In 1804, a Frenchman who was inspired by the wooden ice-slides decided to take them to the next level. He decided to build a large wooden hill with tracks and designed a vehicle with wheels to roll down the incline. He named it “The Russian Mountain.” In fact, across Europe, rollercoasters are known as Russian Mountains to this day. In 1884, LaMarcus A. Thompson built the first rollercoaster in the United States at Coney Island. Since then, rollercoasters have been popping up all over the U.S.. And they have transformed from simple mild rides with simple tracks to high – tech thrill machines.Motion Simulators on the other...

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