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The Matrix

In the science fiction movie "The Matrix" people are ruled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), machines made by men to make life easier on the human race. This form of industrialization has also begun in our world today. We have given birth to a host of machines that think for themselves, hoping they would make our lives easier and less taxing on our bodies. In the movie the machines have taken control of the humans and rule over them by hiding from them the real world. In today's society machines have begun a hostile take over of the lives of humans. Ironic, is it not, that in the movie, and in our lives today, machines have become rulers over the humans who made them. In the time when the movie takes place, the humans of the world are being governed by the machines they created. At first the machines, after becoming fed up with working for the humans, attacked the humans through technological warfare. The humans countered by destroying what they thought to be the only source of energy for the machines, the sun. When the machines lost the power of the sun, they had to find a new source of energy. The machines learned that the human body itself can produce the kind of energy necessary to sustain their lives. But humans would never just bow down to their enemies and so the machines had to devise a way to detain the humans so that they could extract that energy. The machines created a computer program called "The Matrix." In the movie this marvel displays the digital image of a human's mental self along with that of other humans and a mock up of the world as it was at the highest point in human history. While some humans were detained in the matrix to be used for energy, other humans were fed intravenously to them. Humans became crops to the machines, they were grown in massive fields and harvested like wheat until they were ripe enough to be fed to the other humans. The living humans merely lived out what they thought were their real live...

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