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Terrorism Satire

Unfortunately in the past few months the United States has had to take safety precautions never seen before in America. Every public place has new rules and regulations of exactly what one can have. In entering somewhere such as Yankee Stadium, one can no longer have a backpack. One must also be patted down to check for weapons or bombs or whatever else one could possibly bring in that could cause the death count to rise in addition to the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks.Right now America is faced with a big challenge: to stop terrorism for good. Thus she has decided to fight the war on terrorism and logically the first part is in Afghanistan searching for Osama Bin Laden, the man behind the countless deaths and destruction in New York City. At this time America is not as bad off as other countries such as Israel with a bombing everyday, however she could soon come to this if things continue. She needs to step up now and put an end to it.Logically, she has decided to free Afghanistan of terrorism before ending terrorism in her own country. Why would she spend her time saving her own citizens lives when she could help other countries? I supposed there just is not enough going on in America to matter. Right now the economy is in a possible recession and New York needs a lot of financial aid. However, poor Afghanistan needs all the extra money we have right now because poor Osama might be starving somewhere in a cave. Actually, I do believe the United States is doing an excellent job in weeding out terrorism on the home front. Just weeks ago she finally granted extended visas to 2 of he men who flew the planes into the Twin Towers. As for the other terrorist in America......well how could we deport them? They have not killed anyone......yet. I propose we extend all of their visas. Then we can have them right where we want them. And once they blow up something, maybe weeks later we can find out who they are. Also, a plu...

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