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Software Programmer

A software programmer programs and writes software and different applications for computers. For example, different software programmerswrote the software word processor MS Works 2.0, and different programmerswrite games. Some requirements are: - 3 to 5 years experience in RPGII or RPG/400 programming. - comprehension of computer binary language. - familiar with CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering). - familiar with structured programming system. - familiar with FORTRAN (math applications), COBOL system (forbusiness applications), and LISP (for artificial intelligenceapplications).The salary of a software programmer depends on the program written, but isapproximately $60 000 - 80 000 annually. Commcorp Project LeaderThe Project leader for the Commcorp corporation designs and implements newsystems for all areas of Commcorp as well as maintaining existing programs. Some requirements are: - 5 years progressive experience in an MVS/XA environment - detailed knowledge of COBOL (for business applications) - detailed knowledge and experience in CICS, VSAM, and MICROS. - Strong analytical, design and leadership skills an asset. The salary of a project leader varies occasionally, but in this caseit is an important position, earning $60 000 - 70 000 annually. Systems AdministratorSystems Administrator is responsible for administering overall system needsin a business (in this case, the College). Some requirements include: - A degree in computer science or technical college diploma in a related discipline. - 2 years or more experience in database design. - Two years experience in a Novell / DOS environment. - Knowledge of overall PC hardware The job offers a very competitive salary, ranging from around $35 000to 50 000 annually. Contributing EditorA Contributing Editor (in this case, the contribut...

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