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--------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer/2000 - ClearCase/Attache Source Control Integration --------------------------------------------------------------------- The product "ClearCase for NT" or "Attache for NT" must be installed for this integration to work. Either of these products can beobtained by contacting Atria Software at (617) 676-2400.In order to use this integration, the Oracle developer must pre-create a ClearCase view or an Attache workspace. If a ClearCaseview is used, the view must be active.More details about setting up the environment for this integrationcan be found in the online help. The online help can be accessed bypressing the "Help" button in any of the dialog boxes displayed bythe integration.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer/2000 - ClearCase/Attache Source Control Integration---------------------------------------------------------------------The product "ClearCase for NT" or "Attache for NT" must be installedfor this integration to work. Either of these products can beobtained by contacting Atria Software at (617) 676-2400.In order to use this integration, the Oracle developer must pre-create a ClearCase view or an Attache workspace. If a ClearCaseview is used, the view must be active.More details about setting up the environment for this integrationcan be found in the online help. The online help can be accessed bypressing the "Help" button in any of the dialog boxes displayed bythe integration.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer/2000 - ClearCase/Attache Source Control Integration---------------------------------------------------------------------The product "ClearCase for NT" or "Attache for NT" must be installedfor this integration to work. Either of these products can beobtained by contacting Atria Software at (617) 676-2400.In order to use this integration,...

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