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I write a lot in class but I don’t like writing one bit it gets on my nerves cause my hands are very sensitive and my hands get so tired that don’t even want to type anymore and that messes me up a lot cause in my English class you are required to write a lot. Now if it were typing that a whole other story but that’s not going to help me in life to come cause when you go get a job you are required to have punctuality. For the a job though the job I have does not care about the way I type or the way I write they just care about the way I work that kind of like the way they expect you to do in English they don’t want you to be better than every one else they just want to see you try at least I guess. But I never do any writing in my English class until the grade I got this period it was horrendous but I think I deserved it though cause I never did anything in that class I just sat there and talk I usually pass my English classes I plan to do a lot of writing this marking period cause I do not want to fail again cause my mom is going to kill me if I do again and I want get my Playstation 2 for Christmas and that not going to happen cause I am going to save a lot of money for this console and that’s not easy for me ...

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