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Dream Computer

When deciding what will run my dream computer, processor-wise that is, I am reminded of a friends computer that last year, was running with two Pentium III’s, running at 650 Megahertz a piece. This year he is looking to upgrade on this design. I however, will be able to take his idea, and with money being no object, destroy the speed and reliability of his computer by installing two, one gigahertz Pentium III”s onto a Intel STL2 motherboard ($899). I chose this motherboard for it being one of the few on the market that comes with the capability of supporting dual processors. I don’t feel I need any more speed that 1 gigahertz, despite faster processors being on the market (namely the Pentium IV). I have yet to use any processors this fast, and I know for the most part the programs I use are incapable of running at too high of speed, let alone I don’t need that much power. I certainly don’t want to have to install any sort of cooling system in casing, as that would be extremely costly and hurt the electric bill. Since a megahertz is a million cycles per second, my processors would be capable of one billion cycles per second. One would think that with dual processors the speed would be double this, but the double processors don’t double the speed, they just double the amount of programs and tasks you can run at that particular speed without jeopardizing any of the computers integrity.I love my computer running tons of programs at once, like even now as I’m writing this paper, I have two instances of Microsoft Internet Explorer running, AOL Instant Messenger with two windows associated with it, and some Mp3’s playing. In my taskbar I have about 10 items, most of which I can’t imagine living without. One is this Post-it notes program, which I now can’t live without. It keeps me organized just as post-it notes do, but not they are on my computer screen as opposed to the...

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