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Computer Technologies

In the 1950's, computers were a new race of machines and most common person did not know anything about them. Today, computers and new Innovation like the internet has changed the business world and even our daily lives. How did it change the business world and our own personal lives and is it for the best, that's what will be discussed in this report.ContentsSummary 1Introduction 3When were computers invented Brief history of computers 4First computer invented 4Immediate effects of this invention 4The business world and computersThe businesses now depend on computers 5Computers are necessary for competitiveness 5The rise of the Internet 6Computers and our daily livesWhy do we use them 6What are the advantages of owning a personal computer 6Is there any disadvantages 7Conclusion and Recommendations 8References 8 How Computers changed our livesIntroductionLarge businesses now mostly depend on computers to stay competitive, they not only save time and effort, but sometimes they are used to do very complex application that are necessary to this business. More and more companies have there own "Web Page" on the net. Some use the Internet only to display information about there business, others really go "all out" and use the Internet as another way for a client to purchase their goods and services. Either way, the Internet is getting larger and larger, therefore, businesses that want to stay on top cannot omit the Internet as another way to transact with their clients.Although computers have become necessary in the business world, it also has become a "must" for certain individuals in their daily lives. With computers today, the things you can do are unlimited. Desktop computers, meaning computers designed mostly for home use, are getting more powerful than ever and its only a beginning. Like in the business world, the Internet is rising and getting more and more popular, therefore, all sorts of "virtual companies" have come out on the Ne...

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