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Case Study

Summary of Important Facts (ODI) has shown great innovation in the decorative door and window market. Through superior customer relations and an excellent R & D department, ODI has achieved exceptional sales and customer satisfaction. The marketing and research department has helped ODI stay ahead of the competition and foresee future customer needs and trends. Their competitive advantage has been lower production and manufacturing costs due to their timely acquisition of assets. A recent internal study has shown that the needs of information services have changed, but ODI has yet to update the department.ProblemThe problem is that executive management under estimates the importance of involving Information Services (IS) in their strategic planning. The lack of a formal strategic plan for IS has resulted in poor management of resources. ODI has resisted the beneficial use of micros, which in turn could hamper the creativity of the marketing department. The company has also failed to implement and enforce an updated and structured set of controls and procedures.The current Vice President of IS, Melinda Morris, has failed to efficiently manage and plan the use of current resources. Melinda has taken a micro-management style to the IS department instead of evaluating the big picture. DecisionAlthough executive management has been lackluster with regards to IS planning, this situation can be changed once they have a clear understanding of the impact that IS can have on the overall business functions. Executive management has taken a relevant first step in recognizing Morris as a top-level executive. She is part of the executive committee and she is included in business strategy discussions. Upper management also respects her management style and technical expertise. However, executive management now needs to recognize IS as an integral part of ODI. A formal IS strategic plan is needed and should be incorporat...

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