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Boundries of Artificial Intellegence

Perhaps one of the most complex pieces to the human puzzle is our sense of humor. A sense of humor not only involves intelligence and comprehension but also an array of emotions. It is not enough to just understand something humorous, but it is also necessary that an emotional and physiological response be able to occur for a person to have a sense of humor. However, though there is much involved in getting a joke, there are even more factors involved in telling a joke(Ziv 27). This is, unfortunately, an oversimplified explanation of what a sense of humor entails, as many people have their own opinion about what a sense of humor is. It is possible that we may be able to measure the level of humor a joke has. It would seem that the greater the positive reaction a joke can evoke and the larger the amount of people it effects, the funnier a joke is. Conceivably then, it can be said that though it may not be all too difficult to create a joke, creating a really good joke requires much more capability. Now that there is some establishment of what a sense of humor is, the next question is, can a sense of humor be taught? To a human, perhaps it can be, but whether a good sense of humor can be taught to a computer is doubtful. Where our technology lies today there is little chance of computers replicating true human emotion(Beale 45). As our world simultaneously shrinks and expands through the growing abilities and applications of computers in our everyday lives, it seems that the role of the computer has been reversed. Before we knew that the computer only understood what we programmed it to understand; however, now the majority of our society is learning more from computers than they are able to input into it. As stated, it only seems that the roles are being reversed, because somewhere far down at the beginning of the line someone is programming the computer. However, a transition is occurring among computer programmers, as ...

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