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Basic Web Design

How To Make A Basic Web Page Today it looks like everyone has a web page, and you always see advertisements on the web for free web page hosting. While it may seem a bit overwhelming to someone who has never done it before, it is easy enough. Making a basic web page is easy. All you need to know is a few basic HTML commands, and a computer with the program Notepad (if you have a computer, you have notepad). First I will explain a little bit about HTML, like what it does, what it means, and how it works. Then I will give the most basic tags you will need to know so that you will be able to make a basic web page on your own. Finally I will give some pointers on how to get a page on the internet.What is HTML, what does it do, and how does it work? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, it is the language that all web pages start with. HTML tells your web browser (Internet Explorer, or Netscape) what to display when you visit a web page. It says what colors to show, how big text and pictures should be, and how the text and pictures are formatted. HTML works by surrounding commands with the greater than, and less than symbols. For example, all web pages start with this command *html*, and end with */html*. That tells a computer that a web document is beginning, and when it ends. It may seem a bit scary thinking you have to know an entire programming language to make a web page, but it is not a hard concept to grasp. Instead of looking at it like it is a foreign language, think about it like you are writing a note to someone who was only meant to read certain parts. The commands tell the computer what to read as HTML, and when to stop reading them. If you were to write a note to the person, you would put hints that tell the person what they were supposed to read, and that is how HTML works.Now that there is some, not much, but some idea of how these pages are written, lets look at some of the important commands that make...

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