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The technology era, the communication age, and the twenty-first century: even as the leaders of the free world are we ready for it? Going into the twenty-first century, is the American Society in position to juggle everything being thrown its way? Today across the world technology is continuously changing for the better. Each day it seems something new comes out and it is near impossible to keep in tact with what is considered sufficient to get by. To what is the reasoning for this constant change? Communication. The world is busy and therefore convenience is everything. Better reception on our cellular phones, faster, more efficient computers, louder and clearer radios, better pictures on our televisions, and of course, all of which must be small enough to take with us on the road; all of these considered necessities today.With Christmas just around the corner, parents are scrapping to make last second selections, and most find themselves in stores such as a Best Buy or Staples. This year more computers and computer products were sold then any other marketed item. It was expected that by the twenty-first century every home will have a computer and be wired to the Internet. Here it is now 2001 and we are not far off. As the television was some fifty years ago, the computer is today. Families find themselves crowded around the family computer waiting for there turn. With access to the Internet, nearly all shopping can be done, newly you can watch television, we can communicate with family and friends and we can do all of this with out having to move anything but our fingers. Nearly 30% of American jobs can be primarily done from a home PC and the job opportunities to work off computers continue to flourish. With the power of the Internet, we can put to rest use of the television and get rid of our phones because they have been replaced. With a home computer and for just 20$ a month to AOL, we can communicate with the wor...

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