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The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is shrouded, in a thick cloud of mystery, in a thick cloud of controversy, and a Not even the location of the Triangle is agreed on. The most commondescription of its location is the triangle formed by linking Bermuda, Miami, and Puerto Rico. But thereis also two other descriptions: The Devil's Triangle is more like a blob that covers most of the westernCaribbean. The Limbo of the lost is an area that stems from Miami to Barbados to the coast ofIreland. All these areas are easily confused, mainly because people are over zealous to blame ship/plane disappearances on the Triangle. There is also a theory by Ivan T. Sanderson that describes 12"vile vortexes," that are places around the world with similar dimensions, where ship and other vesselstend to disappear. The most reported upon disappearance has to be the unexplained disappearance offlight 19. Flight 19 was a routine training flight in 1945 that mysteriously disappeared until 1992, whenwreckage was finally uncovered. Five Grumman TBM Avenger bombers took off from the Naval AirStation at Ft. Lauderdale Florida. From that point on, nothing is agreed on. Some will say that all thepilots were experienced. But others say only one had any significant flying time. And he was drunk.Some say the weather was "ideal" for flying, but others say that later in the day the weather turnedafoul. Of course, then the infamous conversations from planes to the base. Accounts of the recordingsdiffer as well. Certain discrepancies are apparent in each account given by different expert offers onthe subject. Some give accounts of instruments failing (which will be explained later), and yet otherssay that the instruments were just misread by the hung-over, famished flight leader Lt. Charles C.Taylor. There are also Another mysterious disappearance is the Raifuku Maru a Japanese freighterthat disappeared in 1925. The most bizarre characteristic of the disappearance is a radio messagesend...

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