The Unworthy Fight Against Fighting The entertaining sport of boxing, an athletic event consisting of numerous health conflictions, has been receiving some heat from legal and medical advocates, yet Some of the qualities that have open boxing to attack have, at the same time, been its salvation(Sammons 235). Boxing,which has been in existence and evolved from other forms of fighting longerthan this country has been established, is a skill, talent, an ambition, and formost professional fighters, a love. Professional boxing, like virtually anyphysical recreation, is performed so that there are health risks, yet it is theathletes right to decide their personal levels of danger. Indeed, boxingdiscloses Americas disposition towards tradition.During the United States brief history, Americans have consistentlymanaged to acquire cultural, social, political, and intellectual institutionsfrom England, leaving no surprise to why the modern controversial sport ofboxing, or prizefighting, traveled over sea to America. This high-demandingsporting event definitely must be one of the ultimate exceptions of our time. The 1820s and 1830s were marked by increased urbanization andindustrialization, which stimulated a need for new and accessible diversions. The mood of society at large was captured in Beyond the Ring with thisclassic line, Men, women, and children who cannot live on gravity alone, needsomething to satisfy their lighter moods and hours(4). Leisures and, moreimportantly, boxings opponents lost further ground as the giant citiesattracted more and more immigrants who were unfamiliar to limitations uponamusements and games.As Jeffrey Sammons so concisely explains, It is because of, ratherthan despite, its contradictions that boxing has survived(236). While anumber of health and medical advocates have attempted to reform and/orabolish the sport since the early nineteen eighties because of brutality anddeath, these adversaries have also s...