So far in tennis class I have learned so much so far I have learned how important it is to have proper balance. But now that I have that covered I wanted to improve my skill and form. This is when I found a tip of the week that talked about how to hit a wide serve and how important it can me in winning. It talked about how one should line up a step or two closer to get a better angle. And then toss the ball a shade to your more dominant side witch would be my right, since I am right handed. Then it talked about how one should hit the out side edge of the ball to shave around it. This in turn will cause sidespin. This I guess is used by all the pros suck as Aggassi, the Williams sisters, and Sampras. I know that I could never know as much as these guys but I hope to be able to play a game of tennis and give a friend a run for there money. ...