Sports Nutrition Outline and Thesis 1.An athletes diet has a large effect on his/her athletic performance 2.What an athlete eats is an integral part of his/her training, and will effect every aspect of their athletic performance B.State why Sports nutrition is different from general nutrition. How many servings of each food group should an athlete eat? (food pyramid)B.RDA’s What they are, What they mean, How to use themC.The Goal is to gain weight by increasing muscle mass and losing fat. 1.Eat foods high in protein, complex carbohydrates, and nutrients2.Avoid junk foods; foods low in anything good and high in fat and sugar. D.Don’t eat too much or too little food.1.Eating too much food will increase your body fat percentage2.If you don’t eat enough food, you will not have enough energy to work out, and you will not have the nutrients and protein available to build muscle. III: Why eat well?A.For Sports1. Increased benefit from training, for both aerobic (endurance) and anaerobic (power). 2.Increase muscle mass, and Reduced fat. 3.Bigger, Faster, Stronger. This is good for any competitive sportB.In General: Eating well will help everything in your life, from your mood to your appearance. Also eating well reduces the risk of every disease under the sun. IV: Effects of a poor diet for athletes:A.Chronic exhaustionB.IrritabilityC.RestlessnessD.Increase in body fat percentageE.Decrease in muscle massF.Decreased fuel in muscle for intense (anaerobic) activityV: Diet Planning:A.General Principals:1.Eat a variety of good foods, Try to stick to the groups in the food pyramid, and eat a variety of foods within each group.2.Balance the amount of food you eat with your amount of activity.a.While you are in season or while you are working out intensely, you will need more food than when you are laying on the beach on your vacation.b. Eat accordingly4.Lots of Grain products, Vegetables, Fruit, Complex Carbohydrates, ...