United States Flag Football of the Deaf The United States Flag Football for the Deaf (USFFD) is a member of the United States of America Deaf Sports Federation as National Sports Organization and also a member of the United States Flag and Touch League. Membership:Any organization can become member of USFFD and support its cause. All youhave to do is have your organizational flag football team participate in USFFD SuperBowls. So far, there have been fifteen USFFD Super Bowls and they’ve been in locationall across the country including New York, California, Washington D.C., New Jersey,Tennessee, Canada, Texas and Ohio. Super Bowl 16 is going to take place in Austin,Texas and Super Bowl 17 will be in Madison, Wisconsin. It’s really easy to become amember because all you have to do is call the USFFD secretary, register yourself or yourteam, pay your fees and you’re in. The fees and dues are determined every year by theircommittee. Individuals can either join as a team or as a free agent. In order to participatein USFFD the athlete must have a hearing loss of at least 55 decibels in their better ear,and they must provide the secretary of the Association with a copy of his most recenthearing test, performed by a certified audiologistObjectives:The objects of USFFD are to promote and protect the mutual interests of itsmembers, promote amateur flag football in every way possible throughout the deafcommunities, foster and extend the character and sportsmanship of flag footballparticipants, stimulate the physical fitness, moral, and cultural education of flag footballparticipants, and act as the parent organization of the regional and local flag footballorganizations; these to be governed by the rules and regulations imposed by theAssociation. Rules:The rules applied to the USFFD league are the same rules that all United Statesflag football leagues adhere to. These rules are legislated by the United States Flag andTou...