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Benefits of Physical Fitness

Benefits of Physical Fitness Physical Fitness has many positive benefits for a persons body. Exercise provides health benefits, increases strength and energy, enhances a persons appearance, which helps with self-esteem and also relieves stress.A major health benefit from exercising is reducing the risk of heart disease. Exercise will help increase the HDL (good cholesterol) to LDL (bad cholesterol) ratio. Estimates are that 96.8 million American adults (51 percent) have blood cholesterol values of 200 mg/dL and higher. About 37.7 million American adults (20 percent) have levels of 240 or above. By having physical activity, the efficiency of the heart and lungs is increased. As a persons level of fitness increases blood pressure will decrease therefore lowering high blood pressure. Exercise also controls diabetes by increasing insulin efficiency. A persons body is protected against osteoporosis when exercising because bone mass is increased. Studies done on the bone density of broken limbs have shown that in just 2 months, a bone can lose 5 percent of its mass. Astronauts have also shown similar loses when subjected to weightlessness. By exercising frequently, a persons joints, tendons, and ligaments are more flexible promoting easy unrestricted movement. This will increase a persons sense of balance and agility. Exercise also helps expedite the movement of the nutrients to the cells and the toxins from the cells improving digestion and elimination. The endurance and energy level a persons body is also increased. Exercising increases a persons life span by slowing aging process. Muscle tone in the body is improved and weight loss is controlled making a person look and feel better. This type of feeling really helps boost a persons self-esteem and decreases depression. Physical activity relieves stress and tension from a persons body by clearing the mind. Anxiety can also be released in exercises such as kickboxing, aerob...

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