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Animal Testing

Rows of rabbits wait in cages, their heads tightly clamped in stocks to prevent movement. The lower lids of the rabbits eyes are pulled back. Technicians drip nail polish remover, mascara, shampoo, and astringent into their eyes, where the chemicals stay for three to 21 days. The chemicals burn and often blind the animals. Rabbits sensitive corneas make excellent subjects for this procedurecalled the Draize testbecause they cannot cry to wash away the toxic chemicals. They have no tear ducts. First I will introduce the amounts of animals that are being used in these tests and those tests that they are being used for. Second I will describe what these tests are used to figure out and how they are carried out. Third I will describe the alternative tests which would make it so that no more animal tests would need to be preformedThen I will show what these tests really do, not only to the animals forced to endure them but also to the scientists which intentionally harm and kill hundreds of innocent animals of every year. Finally I will explain what you can do to stop the continuance of these animals deaths. Problem:The definition of animal cruelty is the willful, or wanton infliction of pain, suffering, or death upon an animal. The problem is that as Newsweek magazine reports the lives of 17 to 22 million animals is being sacrificed in laboratory experiments each year. Many of those animals die in the noble search for cures to diseases that cripple and kill millions of people every year. Those animals die for a purpose and with their use I cannot argue. I sympathize with those people that say that they would prefer to lose animal lives rather than human ones and I agree. I lost my father to lung cancer when I was a teenager and I would give up the lives of millions of animals in order to have saved him from that disease. However estimates range from 2 to 20 million of those animals are not being killed to save lives, they are bein...

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