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20th Century European Art

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890 Vincent rented a room at this cafe Painted it by gas light in the evening for desperate things in contrast express terrible passions of humanity comparable to a view of hell realism at its most dramatic LATER SYMBOLISM AND EXPRESSIONISM color and line creates tension and Monch was obsessed with death Monch depicts terrifying pain and suffering on the top layer of the painting Both artworks depict a horrifying scene driven mostly by use of line and dramatic Both are done in the same medium andhave something very strongly dealing withloneliness. Both artists were about the sameage when they completed the art works.Bothartists were outcasted and very lonelythemselves; both artists were extremelyimportant to the style they worked within.The both of the paintings depict theoutside and inside of the scene in reverse.The artists deliberately showed slight toextreme deformities of the scene to expressthe heart felt loneliness of the objects andfigures threw the use of dramatic colorswatches. Both depict the need for a viewer,to express the thought and feeling of theterrible passion the artist felt at the timeof the artworks birth.In both the time is slow and lonely, alonely hour and almost a stand still ofreality and space. The two styles aredifferent but resemble one another likesiblings in rivalry. Both artists painted figures like claybeing sculpted slightly out of reality withone foot in, threw the feelings expressed bythe pallet. Both artists were interesteddeeply in their own mortality. Both artistscreated figures that appear simple on firstglance but threw closer inspection revilepainstaking placement of color to express adeepset feeling of loneliness.I believe both artists to be veryinfluential in modern day art threw theirsegregation of themselves from the modernway life is commonly taught to be....

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