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Martin Ferretti 3/5/00 Capital Punishment Capital punishment was established in this country many years ago to punish those members of society which have committed horrendous crimes against fellow citizens and in a way to give the family of the victims a sense of peace. Various forms of capital and corporal punishment exist around the world and in most cases are very closely related to the religion of the nation. I believe that capital punishment is an atrocious institution and should only be used in those very few cases where rehabilitation is not an option because it does not help the criminal become a member of society. It should be used only for those who kill just for the act of killing and for no other reason. The killer must be proved guilty beyond a doubt for this punishment to be used, and many times we find people on death row who are totally innocent of the crimes which have sent them to their deaths. Something is wrong with the justice system and it should be changed. Around the country there is a serious deficit in funds for our schools and courts which obviously shows in the crimes rates around the nation. Lack of funds at schools, leads to kids finding a way of living on the streets, by stealing, dealing drugs, and sometimes killing. Lack of funds in the justice system gives us another problem. Many people who are innocent are sent to jail for years suffering for a crime they did not commit, and in the worst cases they are sent to their deaths. The law of this country is that everyone will receive fair and equal representation. Now, when someone is suspected of committing a crime, they are assigned a lawyer so that they may have their voice heard in front of the judge and jury and tried fairly. Is it fair that most of these lawyers works over a thousand hours and in most cases get paid only around two dollars? What kind of lawyer would work for this amount of money? The justice system is so poorly funded that it has no ...

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