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Miriam FrancoApril23, 2001Term PaperIntroductionA. In this paper I plan to analyze and compare the Shaklefords in Hard Living on Clay Street and my immediate family. The comparisons include the structre of each family as far as marital arrangements, household arrangements, and kinship arrangments. The comparisons also include the culture of each family. In culture this includes ideas, norms, language and artifacts.The last and most important aspect of my family and the Shalkelforsd that I will analyze is the historical and socail forcs that most influenced both families. This is very important because historical and social forces shape and affects the way the family function as within and outside the family. Sice social forces are things we usually can not control families have no choice but to adapt to that social force, and include it as part of their lives. collecting information from personal interviews from my mother and father I was able to look at my family in depth and I was enlightened to a lot of new information which I plan to reveal throughout this structure can be described in several catergories. The structure of a family is the way a family is arranged or the way a family is shaped, this determines the way a family functions. Eveyone’s family is shaped diffeent, and functions differently The first major one is marital arrangements of a family, that is the number of persons each sex is allowed to marry. This includes monogamy, which is one marriage, and polygamy which is two marriages. There are also sub catergories that includes polygyny, which includes multiple wives, polyandry, which include multiple husbands, and cenogamy, which is a group marriage. the household arrangements of a family is the expected household composition including marital units and blood. There are two major houseold arrangements of a family that most of us fit into. The first arrangemnet would be a nucl...

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