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1.The Structural/Functionalist Perspective looks at society as a system of interrelated parts. It assumes that the majority of society shares the same core values and appropriate forms of behavior. It looks at how persistent patterns of behavior or social structures function to implement society’s values. It distinguishes between manifest and latent orders. Manifest functions are those intended and easily recognized by most members of society. An example of this would be religion or churches. Latent functions are those that are neither readily apparent nor widely recognized. An example of this is the public welfare system. Since there is a high level of consensus about basic norms and values, the same can be said about the norm violations.Ecological Perspective looks at the distribution of social activities across space and time. Social Disorganization Theory is a good example and theory used in the Ecological Perspectives. Social Disorganization Theory says that there are higher rates of deviance where there aren’t set norms or values. Big cities for example have so many types of people with differing beliefs doing all sorts of different things, resulting in a very unorganized or “disorganized” viewpoint for the consensus to look at. This results in deviance due to the fact that no one knows for sure everyone else’s values and what is despised. The books reasoning is that “ecological conditions associated with urban life disrupt traditional social controls, thereby promoting unconventional and deviant behavior.” There are several similarities, and differences, both in the theories these perspectives contain and also in the overall perspectives themselves. Some of the similarities are both perspectives look at the people that make up the society and there affect, as a whole, on the entire community. How the people live their lives based on their morals and values, turns into w...

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