Differences in our society are many, including age, religion, physical and mental abilities, gender, sexual orientation, income, family or social status, and Anyplace where differences are found leaves room forstereotypes.Stereotypes are generalizations about people usually based on inaccurateinformation or assumptions rather than facts. (Wei, 1996) Stereotypes do not takeinto account the great diversity of people within a group of people. Nor dostereotypes consider the present circumstances of the individual. Even worse,stereotypes can lead to prejudicial or discriminatory behavior.Most of the observations I made concerning my stereotypical behaviorcircled around rich people, foreigners, and the elderly. All the reasons I havedeveloped generalizations for these groups are because of my limited contact withmembers of these groups.The first group that I have noticed I stereotype more than others are what Iconsider rich people. Ole Miss and Oxford has an over abundance of these peoplewhich has led me to distance myself even farther from them. I believe that all richpeople are arrogant and that they always look for ways to down people of a lowersocioeconomic status. I think most of these generalizations that I have concerningthis group evolve from my personal experiences with students at Ole Miss. I am from a family that struggles to make it week to week and cannot affordto help out with my college expenses. Ole Miss, from what I have observed, catersto the rich and provides no support for those not fortunate enough to labelthemselves as rich. I find it hard to relate to students that are fortunate enough tohave their parents pay for their living and schooling expenses. My generalizationsof this group come from the rich at Ole Miss because the majority of students thatcome from money are almost always in Greek life, drive cars nicer than those ofmyself or my family, wear nice clothes, and hang out in clichs. My hometown isnothing like t...