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Death Penalty

In 1962, Daniel Frank was executed by the death penalty for the crime of theft. This was the first known execution by capital punishment. Since then, the death penalty has been a major part of the criminal justice system. In 1930, death penalty statistics began to be collected on a regular basis. From 1930-1967, 3, 859 people were executed under civil jurisdiction in the United States. During this period, 54% of those executed were black, 45% were white and the one remaining percent were members of other racial backgrounds. During the same period, the U.S. Army and Air Force executed 160 people. 106 were for murder (some involving rape), 53 were for rape and one for desertion. By the end of the 1960's, all but 10 states had laws that allowed the death penalty, but because of heavy pressure by those who opposed the death penalty, an unofficial delay was placed on the performance of any other execution for several years. There are many different beliefs and arguments on this subject. Death penalty advocates justify capital punishment under the idea "an eye for an eye", which is the belief that the punishment should fit the crime. They feel that murderers should be executed for their crimes and that such retribution is justice for murder victims and their survivors. People opposing the death penalty emphasize the sacredness of life, arguing that killing is always wrong no matter who it's done by, and that justice is best served through reconciliation. There will always be never-ending arguments on this topic. Personally, I feel that both sides have very good cases. However, through my upbringings in the Catholic faith, I was taught that killing is wrong no matter what. One murder does not justify another. There are other means of rehabilitation that can be used. On the other hand, I have never had a close friend or family member murdered or raped, and God forbid should that ever happen to a loved one of mine. For I feel...

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