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A little over two years ago, one of the worst tragedies concerning our nations children was playing out in a small rural town in Colorado. The date was April 20, 1999; the anniversary of Adolf Hitlers Birthday, for any history buffs. But for everyone else the day started out like any other. In Jefferson County (often mistakenly reported as being in Littleton), Colorado, children went to school and parents went off to work. Neither was overly concerned about the other, or about how the day would go, but in a few hours, that would all change.Kleboldharris also went off to school that fateful day in April. Only they knew that this day was anything but ordinary. This was the day that they had been waiting and planning for. When they got to school, instead of pulling out their books for class, they pulled out guns, and started shooting. By the time the shooting stopped, fifteen people lay dead, including one teacher, and kleboldharris, themselves. As the swat team and other police members searched the school for other accomplices, bombs were found everywhere. Over thirty homemade bombs were found in, and around the school, some set to timers, and others to booby traps. The largest bomb was found in the kitchen, and held enough explosive material to nearly level the entire school building. All were defused and carried away without an incident. However, the question persisted for many weeks about the manpower needed to carry out such a feat. Could two people really make and set over thirty bombs? And then, could those same two people organize the massacre that occurred at Columbine with no outside help?The sad answer seems to be yes. Although they apparently received help in obtaining the weapons used in the shooting, no one besides kleboldharris knew their plans. And after their suicides, no one was left to explain the awful mess that they left behind.Even though there was a thorough investigation, there are many questio...

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