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The Tempest

It is essential that we understand Prosperos life in the way of a dream. Whatever he envisions comes to life just a dream is created, and then we he is tired of that dream he puts it to sleep and moves on ready to create a new dream. In the passage from the fourth act of The Tempest, Prospero presents to Ferdinand and Miranda the false reality, which they have been apart of on the island. In the first line of his passage the word revels is Shakespeare way of saying entertainment. Knowing this Prospero starts his speech by saying that their entertainment has now ended. Telling Ferdinand and Miranda that is time they move on to something else with their lives. Skakespeare brings us into Prosperos reality when Prospero goes from talking about the solemn temples, to the great globe itself. In this line Prospero is telling us that like the temples in his world the globe theatre in our world will one day vanish from our minds. Eventually we will one day stop caring about the reality we are involved in and will then move on to something else. However, two lines later Prospero says leave not a rack behind. He is saying that even though you will stop having experiences at the Globe you should always remember what you saw. Basically telling us that throughout our lives we will experience many wonderful things and some of these things we will never experience again but we will always remember them.In the last three lines Shakespeare makes it clear that Prospero is talking to us (the audience) when he says We are such stuff As dreams are made on In this line Prospero is saying everyone creates their own realities. Therefore, everyone has their own dream, and everyone involved in your world is part of your dream. Making everyone part of everyone elses dream. That is why Prospero says that We is made of dreams. A dream is not just a one-person thing, it involves everyone who is in your world. The spoken voice of Prospero is obviously ...

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