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The Hidden of Hamlet

Hidden information in a novel or play is common. The secrets and unknown are what keep a work interesting. But sometimes an author does not reveal his/her true motive or the actual meaning to a hidden article. In Hamlet, Shakespeare conceals ideas and actions to the naked eye. In my paper I will talk about what Hamlet hides. Among other things, Hamlet hides behind his title, his words and feeling, and also he is hidden in some of his actions. I found him to be the shadowed character in this tragedy.Prince Hamlet is an authoritative figure in Denmark. Although he is no the king, he is adored by the population and respected by the nobility. Because of this he can get away with more than the average person. In this way he hides behind his title when he carries out some of his actions. He knows that nothing can be done to harm him because he is a prince. He uses this when he kills Polonius. There is also another more concrete hidden there.While in the chamber with his mother, Hamlet here’s a rustling behind the arras. He thinks nothing but to plunge his rapier into the flowing fabric. He kills Polonius who is obscured by the curtain. Then I thought of an interesting point. The only reason he was able to kill him was because he was behind the drapery. Hamlet could have murdered before this but never did. I think the veil that was placed in front of him gave him the courage to act out upon his feelings. Hamlet also has a way of saying what he does not want to say directly. An educated man, Hamlet is generally more intelligent than the rest that reside in the castle. When he speaks to certain people you see the words he chooses cover up his actual emotions. He also chooses certain words so they can be interpreted in different ways. “ A little more than kin and less than kind”(I, ii, 67) is a famous quote from Hamlet. He is saying how he is upset because his uncle is now his father. But, no one else...

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