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Hamlet: Aha! Come, some music! Come, the recorders! For if the King like not the comedy, why then, belike he likes it not perdy. Come, some music!Guil: Good my lord, vouchsafe me a word with you.Ham: Sir, a whole history.Guil: The King, sir –Ham: Ay, sir, what of him?Guil: Is in his retirement marvellous distempered.Ham: With drink, sir?Guil: No, my lord, rather with cholerHam: Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to his doctor; for, for me to put him to his purgation would perhaps plunge him into far more choler.Guil: Good my lord, put your discourse into some frame and start not so wildly from my affair.Ham: I am tame, sir: pronounce.Guil: The queen, your mother, in most great affliction of spirit, hath sent me to you.Ham: You are welcome.Guil: Nay, good my lord, this courtesy is not of the right breed. If it shall please you to make me awholesome answer, I will do your mother'scommandment: if not, your pardon and my returnshall be the end of my business.Ham: Sir, I cannotGuil: What, my lord?Ham: Make you a wholesome answer; my wit's diseased: but, sir, such answer as I can make, you shall command; or, rather, as you say, my mother: therefore no more, but to the matter: my mother, you say,--Ros: Then thus she says; your behavior hath struck her into amazement and admiration.Ham: O wonderful son, that can so astonish a mother! But is there no sequel at the heels of this mother's admiration? Impart.Ros: She desires to speak with you in her closet, ere you go to bed.Ham: We shall obey, were she ten times our mother. Have you any further trade with us?Hamlet: Come the music. Come the flute players. If the king does not like the comedy, then it seems he does not like it!. Come some music!Guil: Good my lord, can I have a word with you.Ham: Sir, a long story.Guil: The king sirHam: Yes sir, what about him?Guil: He is in his room, and is very upset.Ham: Is he drunk? Guil: No my lord, with angerHam: I thoug...

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