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terorrism and security

The government can implement many new methods to increase security, or better yet give off the image of better security which is what they have predominantly done, yet ultimately there will always be a way to bypass or come up with a new way to infiltrate that measure. The government so far has done a variety of things ranging from the closing of the Dulles airport (permanently), working with the FAA on new security measures, having pilots carry handguns, and a not so specific, profiling.Well the first and easiest of the new security measures is the permanent closing of the airport, which is very near the heart of our nation's political machine. Seeing how airplanes were used as weapons of mass-destruction officials were left with no choice but to shut down the airport. Even though other airports, which were closed, are now reopened, Dulles vicinity to the incident and to other major government facilities will keep this airport permanently closed. The government rational in this situation actually makes sense because they would not want to have any other incidents and the proximity of the airport is a major key.There has been a measure brought to congress by the largest pilot union, boasting over 66000 members to carry handguns in the cockpit and be trained by law enforcement officials. Strict psychological testing would be done on all the pilots and the FBI would train all of them. Before these incidents, this proposal would have not been considered, yet in light of this situation there could be possible implementation of this program. The government as well as private conglomerates agrees that this plan could work, because the cockpit has to be defended at all costs, hence, now pilots are being trained to use a crash-ax, equipped on every plane, as a possible killing weapon. The government believes that this will work because if the cockpit is infiltrated, the pilots will have a form of defense that could overpower the te...

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