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Introduction A. Thesis B. Statement of problemII. Beginnings A. Childhood B. The Making of a RevolutionaryIII. The Five Year Plans in Industry A. Progress and Benefits to Russia B. Downfalls for the PeopleIV. Agricultural Changes A. Collectivization B. The Liquidation of the Kulaks C. FamineV. Social Changes A. Social Benefits B. Personal Advancements C. Woman in SocietyVI. Purges A. The Party B. The Army C. The Burial PitsVII. Conclusion A. Summary B. Final StatementStalin: Did his Rule Benefit Russian Society and the Russian People? In this paper I plan to prove that even though Stalin made improvements in the Russian industrial system, his rule did not benefit Russian society and the Russian people. In order to accomplish this, several questions must be asked. How did Stalin affect Russia's industrial power? How did Stalin try to change Russia's agricultural system? What changes did Stalin make in society? What were Stalin's purges, and who did they effect? Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili was born on December 21, 1879, on the southern slopes of the Caucasus mountains, in the town of Gori. His mother, Ekaterina was the daughter of a peasant who married at fifteen and who lost her first three children at birth. Vissarion, his father, was a self-employed shoemaker who had a violent temper (Marrin 6-7). Young Djugashvili was small and wiry and had a deeply pitted face from a small pox attack that nearly killed him. He also had blood poisoning in his left arm that was probably caused by Vissarion's beating fists. The arm would stiffen at the elbow joint and wither, making it lame and useless for the rest of his life (Lewis 8; Marrin 8). He was dedicated to only one person, his mother, and her only ambition was for her son to become a priest and to bless her with his own hands. But, this dream was crushed when Joseph was expelled from Tiflis Theological Seminary for readi...

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