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Stock - a share in business ownership. Speculation - a risky business venture involving buying or selling property in hope of making a large, quick profit, making investments in the stock market. Margin - to "buy on margin" means that the broakerage house lends money to someone to buy securities. If the stock goes up, all the profits(minus the intrest charged on the loan) are the purchasers. Depression - a period of extended and severe decline in a nation's economy, marked by low production and high unemployment. Unemployment - the condition of being out of work; the number of unemployed persons relative to the potential labor force. Foreclosure - the legal procedure for reclaiming a piece of property when the buyer is unable to keep up the mortgage payments. Dole - money or goods given as a charity; during the Great Depression, government relief payments; to be "on the dole" was to receive such payments regularly. Subsidy - a government grant of money to an individual or company for purspose of thought to benefit society. Discrimination - the denial of rights because of someones race, religion, age, sex, or other quality. Federal Regulation - Control by the federal government rather then by private intrests. WWI Alliance - a pact or associations of nations joined in a common cause. Mobilization - preparation for war including both military and civilian efforts. Conscription - compulsory enrollment in military service, the draft. Doughboys - nickname for the United States infantrymen in WWI. Propaganda - a form of public information used to mold public opinion by employing techniques such as the use of emotionally charged language, name calling, appeals to peer pressure, the bandwagon approach. Civil Liberties - freedom to enjoy the rights guaranteed by the constitution of the state or nation. Bolshevism - a radical socialist ideology; from Bolshevik the Russian revolution. Irreconcilables - during WWI, a group of senators who op...

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