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Isaac Newton was born janurary 4th, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, Isaac Newton came from a family of farmers but he never did know his real dadbecause he died three months before he was born. His father owned property and animalswhich made him a very wealthy man. His father was aslo very uneducated and could noteven sign his own name. Isaacs mothers name was Hannah Ayscough but was changedwhen she married Barnabas Smith. When Isaac was two years old he was given to hisgrandma to take care of him. He did not live a happy childhood. In 1653 he moved backwith his mom, grandma, one half-brother, and two half-sisters. He began attending school in Grantham. When he was in school he did not do sogood but he had a passion for learning. He was a sizar .A sizar was a student who recivedan allowance toward college expenses in exchange for acting as a severt towards theother students. He sayed at the universty teaching math. Isaac was one of the oldset in hisgrade. In 1661 he entered the Cambridge Universty and then was hired as a professor ofMathematics in 1669. He had one of the most brilliant minds. Legend has it that seeingan apple fall gave Newton the idea that gravity, the force which keeps us bound to theearth , also controls the motion of moon and stars. Isacc Newton's help to science included the universal law of gravity, laws ofoptics, and the development of calculus. He is also famous for his book he wrote, thisbook was called Principia Mathematica. This book talked about the different types ofmath that he wanted to teach. Isaac also talked about the laws of motion, which oneperson relates an object's mass and acceleration to the force being applied on it. IsaacNewton was a very smart math teacher who was criticized for is work because he wasdevoted to his work and not many people beleived in his study of math. Isaac Newtondied alone in 1727 with no kids and lived modestly....

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